Could you be a School Governor?
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are looking for new Governors to join the Governing Body here at The Hub School. We need people who are willing to help in our school’s development and contribute to decisions that can directly affect every pupil. Governors take an interest in all aspects of the school and its work and are an essential part of school governance.
Meetings are held four times a year and training is given, so you don’t need any previous experience of education or meetings. Most important is a commitment to helping The Hub School and its pupils be the best that they can be.
We know parents are busy people and that you time is precious but your contribution can make a real positive contribution to the wellbeing of the school and its success. So, if you would like to find out more about the work of the Governors please get in touch via the school office Mr P Grimes (Headteacher) would be very happy to answer any questions and talk informally about what the role entails.
Zero Hours
The Hub School (Anlaby)
Anlaby Common
Voluntary work