Governor (Volunteer)

Are you interested in becoming a school governor?

The role of school governor can be a rewarding way of making a contribution to the lives of our students and the local community.  At South Hunsley School and Sixth Form, we seek to inspire each other and learn to value greatness, ambition and achievement of all kinds and passionately believe in the limitless potential of every member of our school community. 

Our Local Governing Body (LGB) have a deep understanding of our school, monitor our vision and values and their implementation in all that we do. Governors play a key role in holding school leaders to account for the education provision of the school, including monitoring performance against the Education Inspection Framework, providing scrutiny of safeguarding, curriculum and standards, behaviour and exclusions, personal development and the provision and outcomes for vulnerable students, including SEND, Pupil Premium and (P)LAC. 

We currently have vacancies for school governors on our Local Governing Body.  There are approximately four LGB meetings per academic year, with additional opportunities for governors to monitor activity directly through school visits.  

Further information

For more information about our school, please visit or visit our trust website to learn more about TEAL and the role and responsibilities of a school governor within a Multi Academy Trust.

The deadline for applications is 4 April 2025.  If you have any queries, please contact and our team will be happy to help.

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